Hello, The co-simulator with ESP-r available in TRNSYS 17 and 18 implements something that is similar to what you are trying to do, if I understand correctly. Once TRNSYS has converged for a time step, Type 130 checks that the iterations between the 2 programs have converged, and if that is not the case, Type 130 “forces” TRNSYS to continue iterating at the current time step. Perhaps you can take a look at Type 130 and how it interacts with the Kernel to see whether you can use that for what you are trying to achieve. The part I am not sure to understand is that in the co-simulation case, it makes sense to force additional iterations because the inputs coming from ESP-r will be different so the TRNSYS results after new iterations will be different. In your case, I am not sure what would cause TRNSYS to find different results, but I am probably missing something. In any case, I hope this helps. Michaël Kummert Polytechnique Montréal From: Pierre Jaboyedoff via TRNSYS-users <trnsys-users@lists.onebuilding.org> In trnsys 13.1, i had (long time ago ..) modified the kernel of TRNSYS (see below). The reason was to be able to check if the control routine developed was converging to the correct physical case (e.g. solar, then auxiliary etc …). If not then i was getting TRNSYS to restart the iteration on the same time step until the correct control case was obtained. Has anybody done something similar for TRNSYS 17.2 ? I have started looking for this, it seems to be located between, exec.for, trnsys.for, etc … Thanks in advance, Pierre Jaboyedoff Head of BEEP PMTU Switzerland (www.beepindia.org) Effin’Art Associate Chemin de Pré-Fleuri 6 Entrance at the back, 3rd floor on the left CH-1006 Lausanne Tel : 00 41 21 616 11 00 Mobile : 00 41 79 668 50 88 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- in blockdat C MODIF PJ BEGIN COMMON /CHKSTEP/ ireiter, icas, icaschk COMMON /sunsp/ tsunsp, tset, tmax, tload, tsto, text C MODIF PJ END ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- in main ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c modif pj begin COMMON /CHKSTEP/ IREITER , icas, icaschk COMMON /sunsp/ tsunsp, tset, tmax, tload, tsto, text c modif pj end ------------------------------------------------------------------------- C ********************** MAIN SIMULATION LOOP ************************** 100 IF (DONE) GO TO 999 CALL CLOCK(TIME,DONE,2) C modif pj begin c added label 10001 used for reiter of the time step 10001 IF (NDERIV.EQ.0) THEN c modif pj end ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 370 CONTINUE ENDIF C SWITCH PREDICTED AND CORRECTED VALUES I = PRED PRED = CORR CORR = I INTG = 2 IF (IRECUR.GT.0) INTG = 3 IF ((IRECUR.GT.0.OR.NCALLS.GT.0).AND.(ICT.EQ.0)) GO TO 200 C ************************************************************ C MODIF PJ BEGIN (LABELED COMMON ADDED IN BLOCKDAT_M.FOR, ) c control_iter retuen a variable reiter (in common labelled CHKSTEP) C REITER =0 GO ON TO NEXT TIME STEP C =1 REITER ON THE SAME TIME STEP call control_iter(time) if (ireiter .gt. 0) then ireiter=ireiter+1 icasmain=icas icaschkm=icaschk timereit=max(0.,time) c WRITE(*,*) "reiter ", timereit, icasmain, icaschkm tsunspm=tsunsp tsetm=tset tloadm=tload tmaxm=tmax stom=tsto textm=text c write (*,*) " tsunsp=", tsunspm, " tset=",tsetm," text=",textm c write (*,*) " tload=", tloadm, " tmax=",tmaxm," tsto=",tsto c write (*,*) icasmain c write (*,*) icaschkm c CALL PRINT(TIME,DONE) goto 10001 endif C MODIF PJ END ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- in exec ------------------------------------------------------------------------- c modif pj begin COMMON /CHKSTEP/ IREITER, icas, icaschk c modif pj end ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110 INFO(7,J) = -1 ELSE DO 111 J = 1, NUNITS CALL(J) = CALL1(J) c modif pj begin c added info(7,j) =0 for the case where one wants to reiter on the same c time step if (ireiter .le. 0) then INFO(7,J) = -1 else CALL(J) = .TRUE. INFO(7,J) = 0 endif 111 continue c modif pj end ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- In my own control routine c modif pj begin COMMON /CHKSTEP/ IREITER, icas, icaschk COMMON /sunsp/ tsunsp, tset, tmax, tload, tsto, text SAVE /sunsp/ c modif pj end Pierre Jaboyedoff Head of BEEP PMTU Switzerland (www.beepindia.org) Effin’Art Associate Chemin de Pré-Fleuri 6 Entrance at the back, 3rd floor on the left CH-1006 Lausanne Tel : 00 41 21 616 11 00 Mobile : 00 41 79 668 50 88 |