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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type 1231 with type 700 and type 941

Hi Meriam 

I'm interested in your model, but what's about the heat transfer through the ground.

Good luck

في السبت، ٢٦ يونيو ٢٠٢١ ٠٠:١١ miriam di matteo via TRNSYS-users <trnsys-users@lists.onebuilding.org> كتب:
Dear all, I'm modeling on Trnsys an radiators heating system of a 3 story building from the 1980s. I'm using the Type 1231 as radiators and type 700 as Boiler. Types 1231 are connected by Type 56 as internal gain(0.8 convective; 0.2 radiative).
I have two questions / problems:

1) The internal rooms temperatures are below 20°C (comfort temperature) when the system is on.  I don't understend why.
The parameters and input are:
Type 700
-Rated Capacity  248400 kJ/hr (69kW)
-Minimum Turn-Down Ratio 0.51; If I understod right it is the ratio between minimum and maximum Boiler capacity. (35kW/69kW)
- Intel fluid tempertature: i connected this input with radietors outlet temperature trought a mixing valve (type 649);
- Intel fluid flowrate: like intel fuid temperature.
- input control signal: the system work from 14.00pm to 22.00pm
- set point temperature : 80 °C

Type 1231
I inserted 13 different Type 1231, one per appartament.
- Design surface temperature is 65°C
- Design Air temperature is 20 °C
- I calcolate the flowrate as (radiator capacity)/(Cpw*deltaT) deltaT=Tin-Tout=20°C, for each type 1231

2) I want to replace the boiler with a heat pump (A-W HP Type 941) but leaving the existing radiators.
do i have change the type 1231 parameters?
For example Tsd from 65°C to 50/45°C?

Thanks a lot to everyone,
Best regards
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