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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Problem adjacent window in Winter garden

Ciao Toni, 
se ho capito bene quando importi il modello .ifd in TRNbuild con il giardino d'inverno ti da errore e non ti riconosce le condizioni di adiacenza, giusto?
ho scaricato il tuo modello .idf, l'ho importato in SketchUp; ho ridisegnato il giardino come nella figura che hai inviato; ho fatto il matching automatico e controllato che le nuove superfici adiacenti fossero state riconosciute, e sembra di si. Ho quindi importato nel Build, non mi da nessun errore.
Ti invio il files .idf e .b17, spero ti siano d'aiuto.

Fammi sapere se riesci a risolvere o meno

Il giorno sab 26 giu 2021 alle ore 10:12 Toni Calabrese via TRNSYS-users <trnsys-users@lists.onebuilding.org> ha scritto:

Hi everybody,

I am modelling in SketchUp a 4 storey building (see figure on the left). I imported it in Trnsys and it worked perfectly.


Now I would like to draw a winter garden for each floor on the south façade of this building (see figure on the right). If I try to import the model in Trnsys it does not work anymore because it does not recognize the windows between the winter garden and the flats (these windows were external windows and now should become adjacent windows).


I tried to draw the winter garden following the usual suggestions/recommendations, that means:

1)     I draw the winter garden;

2)     On the back wall of the winter garden (wall between the winter garden and flats) I draw the lines of the windows of the flats and the lines of the external walls of the five flats that are facing to this winter garden;

3)     I match the whole model.


Even if I follow this procedure it does not work. I attached here the model. Maybe someone of you could try to draw it and to check if it works?


Thanks in advance and have a nice day.







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