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[TRNSYS-users] type 56 : Phantom Walls and boundary condition

Dear TRNSYS users,
I was trying to check some results from TRNSYS with trnBuild (type 56) with this simple example: one area with a floor and only 1 wall (concrete) facing north.
So I was expecting a result where my area temperature is more or less close to the air temperature. When I plot it, it is completely different, the area temperature is around 10°C higher than the air temperature. 
So, I would like to know if trnsys consider some Phantom Walls in order to have a closed area. How can we delete them when we add our Walls ? 
My second question is about the boundary walls. If I define a wall using a boundary wall, how can I indicate to trnsys if my wall is in fact a floor, a ceiling (but with another building above) or a vertical wall close to a heat source (with a certain temperature) ?
I don’t understand how trnsys knows the orientation (vertical, horizontal) and the position in the space of the wall.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Kind regards,
Julien D.