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[TRNSYS-users] Cooling demand - QCOOL

Dear all,

I have some questions about the cooling energy demand and the output "QCOOL" NType 31 and 33. I'm studying a residential building, and i need to know its Cooling demand. My problem is that the QCOOL value is very low. It is about 30kW, but the manually estimated value is more than double (>60kW). I don't understand if I did something wrong in the modelling or "QCOOL" isn't the Output that i need.

I followed this steps to realized TRNSYS model :

I followed a similar way for Heating demand, I used an Ideal Heating with a set point temperature of 20°C, unlimited, radiation part 20% and without humidification. I didn't observed any problem with Heating simulations.

Can you confirm me that "QCOOL" (NType 31 and 33) represent my cooling energy demand? In this case, if my TRNSYS model is correct the Value of QCOOL it is necessary correct, right? It means that I have to look for the error in the Trnsys model, is it true? Honesty i have no idea where the error might be, It seems to me that everything is correct. But it is the first time that i use Trnsys, so is easy that i insert a wrong parameters or forget something, i think. Anyone have any advice about it?

I hope someone can help me, it is very important. Thank all in advance
