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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type 1245 in TRNSYS18

<Just wondering why in the TESS solar library that the generic concentrator using the Rabl approach and the XCPC collector use the same source code i.e. type 1245.f90? Is the generic concentrator using an evacuated tube as well? Hope someone can help>

The Type1245 model is able to model many different types of collectors from standard concentrators to XCPCs.  As long as the collector efficiency has been fit to the Rabl approach, Type1245 can be used.  The incidence angle modifiers will likely be somewhat different for these types of collectors. 

As a side not - if you carefully look at the differences between the flat plate collector and the evacuated tube collector in the libraries you'll notice that the ONLY difference between them is the incidence angle modifiers.  Type 538 take 2-D IAMs and Type 539 takes 1D IAMs.  A flat plate collector could easily be modeled with the evacuated tube source code as long as care was taken with the IAMs.  It's no different with Type 1245.




Jeff Thornton President - TESS LLC 3 N. Pinckney Street, Suite 202, Madison WI USA 53703 Office: (608) 274-2577 Fax: (608) 278-1475 www.tess-inc.com E-Mail: thornton@tess-inc.com

On 10/28/2020 9:40 am, David Redpath (Staff) via TRNSYS-users wrote:



Just wondering why in the TESS solar library that the generic concentrator using the Rabl approach and the XCPC collector use the same source code i.e. type 1245.f90? Is the generic concentrator using an evacuated tube as well? Hope someone can help






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