Dear Bichri, i am not sure if there is a type that you can use. If you want to simulate evapotranspiration, you can try this formula . But I think the effect of the green wall is mainly in shade and the capacity of the outer wall layer. Best David Offtermatt David Offtermatt Zentrum für Integrale Architektur – KlimaEngineering Forschungsgruppe: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jan Cremers Arbeitszeiten: Montag bis Donnerstag Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences Schellingstr.
24 70174 Stuttgart
Von: TRNSYS-users <>
Im Auftrag von fatima zahra EL Bichri via TRNSYS-users Dear TRNSYS-Users, Does anyone have an idea about how to simulate a green wall using TRNBuild (Type56)? I am currently simulating a house that has a green wall on the south façade but all I find in the type56 is an external shading. If it can't be done using
the type56, is there another way for integrating this system into the simulation? Thank you in advance. Best regards, EL Bichri FZ |