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[TRNSYS-users] Modeling a thick building ground floor

Dear all,

I need to model a large building
having a ground floor about 1 m thick (since the thickness includes all the layers, from the foundation up to the floor finishing), as illustrated below.
My questions are:
  1. Do I have to model the building (in sketchup) by considering the external dimensions of the volume as I did for external walls?I mean: if the internal height of the building is 3 meters, the external roof is 1 meter and the ground floor is 1 m >>> I have to create a volume with a height of 5 meters?Given that I will define the thickness of the roof and of the floor later in TRNBuild?
  2. The floor is at the same level of the ground and the slab is totally underground. Can I model this by simply positioning my volume at -1 m along the z axis?


Thank you for your very precious support and your attention
Kind Regards,

Silvia Cesari, PhD

University of Ferrara | TekneHub - Via Giuseppe Saragat 13, 44122 Ferrara, Italy
[phone] +39.3386557711
[skype] silvia.cesari88