My project is to analyzed natural ventilation, for that i am using outside wind speed, direction, and pressure. I have two AIRNODES A and B where wind comes from roof. i have a virtual surface between AIRNODES because this surface eliminated automatically when exported to TRNBuild, so i have to define coupling. For this reason, i coupled AIRNODES A to B in the REGIME DATA of the AIRNODES. As a COUPLING from AIRNODES A to B Needs xxx kg/h air flow. where should i get these values this is actually my output. i think i have to use the air comes from outside, using the some output of TRNSFlow?? and then use this amount in REGIME data of AIRNODE coupling as an input xxx kg/h.
can you please guide me that which output of TRNSFlow i should use?? or any other idea to doing the same??.
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