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[TRNSYS-users] Problem with the external file

Dear TRNSYS community,


I have a problem in TRNSYS I can’t solve. Everytime I try to print an external file (using type 46a) with the results. I recieve a message that Windows did not succeded to open the .out – file.

You can find the discription of my ptoblem attached in this email.

The Problem is, I want to get my results for the PMV in this external file but they do not change (for example when I define the period for the Simulation). I had a period in 168 hr and I changed to 30 hr in the settings, the Simulation runs normally (with 30 hr) but the external file does not change the period. What can I do? I hope someone can help me.


Best regards

Alexander Schneider


Attachment: Problem.JPG
Description: JPEG image