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[TRNSYS-users] Room Air Stratification

Dear All,

I am going to simulate an historical building, used as a museum,consisting of 2 linked room, one taller than the other. The taller room has a fully glazed roof and for this reason I want to study its air stratification, i want to make 3 vertical airnodes. I've already read almost all the thread about this topic but there are a few things not clear to me:1) how could i model the taller room in order to break a thermal zone in more airnodes? Should i draw on Google Sketchup several thermal zone, one above the other, and then set  the floor/ceiling as virtual surface?
2) In case i'm going to proceed as i've described in the prevoius point, will solar radiation pass through virtual surfaces to reach the lower airnodes?3)I've read that there's the possibility to couple the airnodes but i've got to link the lower airnode of the taller room with the adjacent airnode of the shorter room and i also wanted to connect the upper airnode of the taller room with an external node because there's a window over there. Now it seems that i've got to link the upper and the lower airnodes of the taller room too because the net must be one, but i've already coupled them, what should i do?4) I read the updates about trnsys 17.1 and i learned about the QSOLAIR. In the updates document it's said that thefaçade isn't modeled explicitly, what does it means? Should i use the following procedure " the convective gain QSOLAIR of the lower airnodes have to subtracted from the lower nodes by defining negative gains and added to the top airnode as positive gain" without a real glazing on the top of the airnodes?Thanks a lot for your help,

Best regards,
Di Gennaro Giovanni.