Hi Issmail Have you read the tutorial how to use Trnsys3D plugin (in Trnsys/documentation/ ) Maybe your thermal zones are not correctly defined in Sketchup. Be sure to select and activate zones before drawing with skecthup plugin. Best regards -- Attention changement d’adresse mail, utilisez maintenant :
adrien.jezequel@oteis.fr Absent les mercredis
62 rue du Bolliet De : TRNSYS-users <trnsys-users-bounces@lists.onebuilding.org>
De la part de Issmail OUHALLOU via TRNSYS-users Dear Trnsys users, Whenever I try to import my building IDF to TRNBuild I get on errors but no zones as well. I never ran into such a situation. I use both SketchUp and T3d 2016. Does anyone know why the zones are not imported? I've tried multiple and simple zones.. Thanks in advance. Best regards, Issmail |