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Re: [TRNSYS-users] solar assisted water source heat pump

<I m going to model a solar assisted water source heat pump. My heat source is a lake. Now I have monthly temperature of the lake. I think ı should use type 927 water source heat pump. How can I use the lake as a heat source  ? If I connect a pump to type 927 and the temperature of the pump adjusts the monthly lake temperature, will I do it right? Or should I use a heat exchanger to use the lake as a heat source.>

If the temperature of the lake is assumed to not be affected by the heat pump (large lake and small heat pump), then all you have to do is use a forcing function (Type 14) to set the temperature of the lake.  Connect this temperature to your pump/pipe network on the source side of the heat pump.

<How can I use the solar assistance in a basic way  ? Is it difficult to make in trnsys.>

It's not difficult to do but you'll need to design the system and it's controls before you implement it into TRNSYS.  Simply create a sketch of what the system will look like including pumps, pipes, heat pump, solar collectors, heat exchangers etc. and then use TRNSYS to implement your design.  Make sure to use small timesteps and think about the controls carefully.





Jeff Thornton President - TESS LLC 3 N. Pinckney Street, Suite 202, Madison WI USA 53703 Office: (608) 274-2577 Fax: (608) 278-1475 www.tess-inc.com E-Mail: thornton@tess-inc.com

On 07/30/2019 1:17 pm, Emre Arpaci via TRNSYS-users wrote:

Hi trnsys users

I have two questions.
I m going to model a solar assisted water source heat pump.My heat source is a lake.Now I have montly temperature of the lake. I think ı should use type 927 water source heat pump. How can I use the lake as a heat source  ? If I connect a pump to type 927 and the temperature of the pump adjusts the monthly lake temperature, will I do it right? Or should I use a heat exchanger to use the lake as a heat source.
2) How can I use the solar assistance in a basic way  ? Is it difficult to make in trnsys.

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