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Re: [TRNSYS-users] type 98

It’s almost impossible for me to tell from the information provided.
Try setting the logging flags to provide more detailed output to both Type98.log and contam.xlog.

Type98 VEF file

This variable exchange file is used by Type98 to coordinate data exchange information at the beginning of a simulation. This file will contain a list of variables that are to be exchanged during co-simulation. The number and types of variables will depend on the contents of the CONTAM project file.

File Format:

The first line is a file header indicates file type, version and logging flag:

VariableExchangeFile 1.0 trnsys 0 // set logging flag 0 - 3


PRJ file

Section 1: Project, Weather, Simulation, and Output Controls

The initial section of the project file is read by the run_read( ) function and saved by the run_save( ) function.

The first line of the project file identifies the source program:

_string[] // program name "ContamW" (I1)

_string[] // program version "3.2" (I1)

_echo // > 0 echo input files, > 1 echo bridge messages to the log file (I2)

- Stuart


From: TRNSYS-users <trnsys-users-bounces@lists.onebuilding.org> On Behalf Of Alain GUIAVARCH via TRNSYS-users
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2019 10:53 AM
To: TRNSYS users mailing list at OneBuilding.org <trnsys-users@lists.onebuilding.org>
Cc: Alain GUIAVARCH <a.guiavarch@groupeginger.com>
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] type 98


Dear Stuart,


I just got a new problem with type 98 : when I run my project, contamx3 stops and a windows message appears :

“Building Airflow and Contaminent Analysis a cessé de fonctionner“ (stopped working), see the image I attached.

I’m obliged to close TRNSYSEX64 manually and I don’t get any error message after that in TRNSYS.

My contamx3.exe is ok because If I run the contam project directly with the contamx3.exe  placed in the TRNSYS/Exe folder, it works.

It seems something is wrong when the TRNSYS project launches contamx3, but I don’t see.

This is exactly the same project I sent you a few days ago and we fixed together.


Would you have any idea of this new problem ?






De : TRNSYS-users <trnsys-users-bounces@lists.onebuilding.org> De la part de Dols, William Stuart (Fed) via TRNSYS-users
Envoyé : jeudi 2 mai 2019 22:47
À : TRNSYS users mailing list at OneBuilding.org <trnsys-users@lists.onebuilding.org>
Cc : Dols, William Stuart (Fed) <william.dols@nist.gov>
Objet : Re: [TRNSYS-users] type 98


Are you using the pre-release version provided on the CONTAM User Group?

There is an update for 64-bit TRNSYS 17/18.
See pre-release-

- Stuart


From: TRNSYS-users <trnsys-users-bounces@lists.onebuilding.org> On Behalf Of Alain GUIAVARCH via TRNSYS-users
Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2019 10:12 AM
To: trnsys-users@lists.onebuilding.org
Cc: Alain GUIAVARCH <a.guiavarch@groupeginger.com>
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] type 98




I created a project with type98 (I use TRNSYS 18).

I followed the process explained in the CONTAM user guide.

But when I want to run the simulation, the following error appears

“TRNSYS Message 71 : an assigned logical unit number is already in use, either by the TRNSYS kernel or by a Type.

Reported information : Logical Unit 41”.


I tried to fix it as explained on the TRNSYS forum (message posted by Stuart - Wed Apr 20 07:20:12 PDT 2016)


and the new error is “TRNSYS Message 105 : A type was called in the TRNSYS input file but was either not linked into trndll.dll or was not found in an external dll. A dummy subroutine was called in its place. Please link the TYPE or remove if from the input file”.


Can you help ?