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Today's Topics:
1. Solar gain of a surface (adnan rasheed)
2. Type 94, maximum power (DAVID GARCIA MENENDEZ)
3. Re: Fwd: coupling air flow (Michele Vella)
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From: adnan rasheed <>
To: "TRNSYS users mailing list at" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2019 18:14:41 +0900
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Solar gain of a surfaceHi everyone,
i want to calculate solar gain/ solar radiation from specific window. actually i want to see the effect of different slope angle ranging from 15 - 40 degree of window. Actually trend should be like between 20 to 30 degree solar radiation should be maximum. but as i am increasing angle radiation gain/m2 increases. i am using (NTYPE 79, 80, 81, 64) . i dont know which output i should use??Note:: when i check solar radiation output direct at all angles calculated by TYPE 16(radiation processor) it gives required trend. trend should be same when apple this radiation to the building.--Adnan RasheedPhD ResearcherKyungpook National UniversityDaegu, South Korea.+82-102762-0105
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To: "" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2019 15:26:42 +0000
Subject: [TRNSYS-users] Type 94, maximum power
I am trying to understand the performance of Type 94 (Photovoltaic module).
I kept the default parameters, in particular: Current at maximum power point = 5.9 A, and Voltage at maximum power point = 17 V.
Then I forced the total radiation on the surface to be the reference insolation (1000 W/m2) and the ambient temperature to be the reference temperature (298 K).
Under these conditions I expected to obtain that the module power output was 17x5.9 = 100.3 W, but I have only got 80.2 W.
Which is the reason for this difference?
How can I simulate that the module is operating at its maximum point?
Thanks in advance,
David García Menéndez
Área de Máquinas y Motores Térmicos
Departamento de Energía
Universidad de Oviedo
Edificio Departamental Este
C/ Wifredo Ricart s/n
Campus de Viesques, 33204 Gijón
Tfno: 985 18 2110
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From: Michele Vella <>
To: David BRADLEY <>,
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2019 18:17:07 +0100
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] Fwd: coupling air flow_______________________________________________Dear DavidI have installed TRNFlow , im trying to do a flow controller using thermal airnode. Im not sure if this is the good method to implent it.ThanksMichele VellaOn Mon, 4 Mar 2019 at 21:29, David BRADLEY <> wrote:Michele,
There are two tools available for determining the quantity of coupling airflow. One is Type97 (or Type98) (both of which are links between TRNSYS and a freely available software tool called CONTAM). The other is a commercially available TRNSYS add-on called TRNFlow. The idea behind both is that the Trnsys building thermal model (Type56) provides zone temperatures to the airflow model (CONTAM or TRNFlow). The airflow model takes those temperatures (as well as ambient conditions and a certain amount of building geometry with which the thermal model is not usually concerned) and computes the corresponding interzonal air flows. These are passed back to Type56, which recomputes zonal temperatures. Iteration continues until both the thermal and airflow models agree.
kind regards,
On 03/04/2019 12:50, Michele Vella via TRNSYS-users wrote:
Hi, I m designing a church with different thermal zones and the common surfaces are set to virtual surface. I activated the coupling . What would be the ideal coupling air flow?
_______________________________________________ TRNSYS-users mailing list *************************** David BRADLEY Principal Thermal Energy Systems Specialists, LLC 3 North Pinckney Street - suite 202 Madison, WI 53703 USA P:+1.608.274.2577 F:+1.608.278.1475
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