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Re: [TRNSYS-users] simulate big amount of stuff inside industrail building

There are two possibilities. The first is to compute the thermal mass of the stuff and set that value as the thermal capacitance of the Type56 zone (I assume you are using Type56). This option assumes that the air of the zone and the stuff in the zone are always at the same temperature. If that is not a good assumption and you want to characterize the air and the stuff as having different temperatures then you might look at the TESS Loads and Structures library where you will find a lumped capacitance model. Again, you'd compute the thermal mass of the stuff in the zone and set the lumped capacitance accordingly. However, the lump and the zone would then impact each other by means of the temperature of the space (passed from 56 to the lump) and convective and radiative energy gains (passed from the lump back to Type56).

kind regards,


On 01/21/2019 07:43, Mauro Cannistraro via TRNSYS-users wrote:
Hi all, i wondering how to simulate a big amount of stuff ( great mass, great thermal inertia) inside an industrial building?

tks in advance.

Ing. Phd.  Mauro Cannistraro

University of Ferrara - Department of Architecture

TekneHub.  Via Saragat  13 - 44122 Ferrara (I)

Tel. +39 0532 29 3662

Mob. +39 329 97 40 211

Pec. mauro.cannistraro@ordineingpa.it 

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