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[TRNSYS-users] Daylight dependent control of artificial light

Dear all,

I am using daylight dependent control of artificial light in a hospital patient room and I would kindly ask you just to check if my procedure is correct.

Regulation requires to have:
- 300 lux at 0.90 m from floor for reading and examination at bed position
- 100 lux at 0.03 m from floor for general lighting
My aim is to regulate artificial light on the base of daylight by adopting a "continuous on/off" lighting control type.

In TRNBuild I defined two geoposition:
- geoposition 1: in the middle of the room, at 0.03 m from floor
- geoposition 2: bed position, at 0.90 m from floor

Then, I defined two gain types (added from the library):
- SIA_2024_Ltg_41classroom (to provide 300 lux)
- SIA_2024_Ltg_43library (to provide 100 lux)
and I selected "gain/loss related to reference floor area" for both gain types.

Afterwards, I defined two daylight control types:
- "GENERAL LIGHTING" for the gain "SIA_2024_Ltg_43library"
- "READING_EXAMINATION" for the gain "SIA_2024_Ltg_41classroom"
 as reported in the pictures: 


Then, in the zone I added the two gain types with the related daylight control:

Is this procedure correct in order to ensure the illuminance levels required by regulations?

Thank you for your precious support and your time.

Kind Regards,
Silvia Cesari

Arch. PhD Candidate Silvia Cesari

IDAUP | International Doctorate Architecture and Urban Planning
University of Ferrara
Department of Architecture
[phone] +39 3386557711
[skype] silvia.cesari88