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[TRNSYS-users] Is it possible to use a string variable in a deck file



I am making great advances my editing a deck file to be generic my establishing user defined CONSTANTS

and then using these in the various modules that are linked in what I created with Simulations Studio. 


Every more utility is obtained by then adding EQUATIONS immediately thereafter to adjust the parameters called by the modules!


Now may I please ask if there is a way to have a string variable so that I can change a module’s ASSIGN reference to an assortment of desirable external files, such as weather data?


Eric Peterson, PhD, PE, RPEQ, M-ASHRAE TC4.2 Climatic Data

Research Fellow in Geothermal Systems Modelling


School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds

Leeds, West Yorkshire LS2 9JT United Kingdom

Telephone +44 (-0) 11334 31957