hello sirs, I need to ask about type557a, when I calculate the heat extracted from the borehole I find it in frist year the heat extracted is (-6824.33kwh) ,decreasing in the second (-6792.33kwh) year and then increasing in the third year (6804.004kwh) and decreasing in the forth year (-6793.2kwh) while it should decrease because the Earth's temperature is decreasing (16.8°C; 14.7°C) .can anyone help me thank you
40.00 40.00 40.00 ! Values of Entering Load Temperatures in Degrees Celsius -3.90 -0.60 2.8 ! Values of Entering Source Temperatures in Degrees Celsius 9.21 3.26 !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/-3.90 9.99 3.28 !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/-0.60 10.83 3.32 !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/2.80 9.21 3.26 !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/-3.90 9.99 3.28 !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/-0.60 10.83 3.32 !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/2.80 9.21 3.26 !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/-3.90 9.99 3.28 !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/-0.60 10.83 3.32 !Total Cooling(kW)and Power(kW) at 40.00/2.80
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