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[TRNSYS-users] Type 112b Motor Efficiency

Dear Trnsys Users,


I am modelling an AHU system in Trnsys for a part of my Master Thesis. I use Type 112b to model a fan and I just discovered that the motor efficiency parameter input of the fan has no impact on the power consumption but it is only used in the equation to calculate heat losses to the air from the pump.


But this value works backwards in the equation in my opinion. The outlet air temperature rises with a greater efficiency value, which means more heat transfer from the fan motor to the air stream is bigger with a more efficient motor!? . Should not it be the other way around?

Another point is, when the motor heat loss fraction is 1, changing the efficiency of the motor does not make any difference at the outlet air temperature.

If anybody has any experience with this type, a help would be much appreciated.


Thanks in advance.




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