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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type9 Data Read. Recursive in time


  Yes, Type9 does require that all the data entries be equally spaced in time.

  You can set up Type9 so that its data is not assumed to start at the beginning of the year but at a particular time. Have a look at the various modes of Type9. They are explained a little bit if you click the "more" button by the "mode" parameter. There is some additional explanation in the Type9 section of the 04-MathematicalReference manual and I think there may also be some explanatory examples in there.

  I suppose the best way to prevent Type9 from rereading the data file once it gets to the end would be to put a lot of extra values (perhaps zero values) at the end of the real data. I'd be a little careful of this and I am not clear what you would want Type9 to output if the simulation continues on past the end of the data file.

kind regards


On 09/17/2018 11:22, Jordi Macia via TRNSYS-users wrote:

Dear support team,


In all kind of Type9 Data Readers, the data entries of the file (file lines) must be equally spaced in time?

Would be a way to reference each line (entry) to an specific time?

Would it even be possible to reference it to an absolute time (e.g. if simulation starts at yearly hour 6.000 and ends at 6.144, give values from hours 6.050 to 6.100)?


Another question is, that once the end of the file has been reached, the reader starts over from the begining of the file? It can’t be stopped?


Thank you so much in advance,


Jordi Macià i Cid



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