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[TRNSYS-users] Command line syntax. Arguments to be passed to TRNExe.exe

Dear support service,


I would like to execute TRNSYS with an externall call from another program.

As far as I have found out, the syntax is:

>> TRNExe.exe <trnsys_file_name.dck>


My question is: are other parameters I could pass in the command line, after the filename, such as arguments to equations or control cards?


Thank you so much in advance,


Jordi Macià i Cid



Àrea de Sostenibilitat Ambiental i Energètica - CTM

CTM-2955 - copia


  Fundació CTM Centre Tecnològic

  Plaça de la Ciència, 2

  08243 Manresa (BCN)

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  Skype: jordi_macia_cid

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