Hello, I try to set my storage size properly. So far I receive the massage: The shapes of the array expressions do not conform. My idea is to user-specific number of nodes in my modell, which is PAR(1). Each node has 5 variables. To set the storage size I write: size=PAR(1)*5. At initial timestep I want to set the 5 variables to their initial values, using a loop. SIZE=PAR(1)*5 CALL setStorageSize(SIZE,INFO) AN=JFIX(PAR(1)+0.1) ILAMDAA=0 IXA=AN ITETAA=AN*2 IAA=AN*3 IBB=AN*4 DO I=1,AN ILAMDAA=ILAMDAA+1 IXA=IXA+1 ITETAA=ITETAA+1 IAA=IAA+1 IBB=IBB+1 SPEICHER(ILAMDAA)=LAMDAA SPEICHER(IXA)=XA SPEICHER(ITETAA)=TETAA SPEICHER(IAA)=AA SPEICHER(IBB)=BB END DO CALL setStorageVars(SPEICHER,SIZE,INFO) RETURN 1 I already tried to get inspiration from Type4, but didn´t work. Can someone help, please. Kind regards Tom |