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[TRNSYS-users] TR: Sustainable Places (SP2018) Call for Proposals

Title: Sustainable Places (SP2018) Call for Proposals

Dear Colleagues,


As INES, the National Institute for Solar Energy in Chambéry - France, hosts of the upcoming Sustainable Places conference 2018, June 27-29, we are pleased to share with you this good opportunity to communicate about your activities. Please see the official invitation below with the call for proposals, the forum topics and workshops, abstract deadline 1st April 2018, media and editorial aspects, registration.


Best regards,



David Chèze

Research project manager, Thermal Systems

Solar technologies department

Laboratory of thermal systems for building

Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives

T. +33 4 79 79 21 30

david.cheze@cea.fr  www-liten.cea.fr





Ines logo_mail         


SP2018 - Call for Proposals

Sustainable Places 2018

SP2018 Call for Proposals (CfP):



SP2018 introduction


Dear colleagues, it's time to start planning for SP2018 - the 6th annual edition of the Sustainable Places annual international conference, located this year in beautiful Aix-Les-Bains, France and occuring from 27th-29th June 2018.


SP2018 is a forum on scientific & technological innovations for the management of digital construction and renewables integration; applied to Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB), local communities, intelligent districts, and secure power grids.




  • Early-bird registration begins - 1st March 2018
  • Abstract proposals due - 1st April 2018
  • Decisions to authors - 15th April 2018
  • Early-bird registration ends - 31st April 2018 (€300)
  • Late registration begins - 1st May 2018 (€350)
  • Registration closes - 1st June 2018
  • SP2018 symposium - 27th-28th June 2018
  • SP2018 pilot site visits - 29th June 2018
  • Conference papers & extended abstracts (4 pages) due - 31st July 2018
  • Invitations to extend conference papers (8 pages) sent - 15th August 2018
  • Submission to journals (with correct formatting) due - 1st September 2018
  • Expected peer review completion and publication - 31st December 2018



  • Workshops - (requiring 3 registrations minimum, 90' or 180' in duration) 
  • Papers (4-8 pages, and a 20' presentation defended in a thematic track)
  • Short briefings (Powerpoint only)
  • Posters (no presentation required, displayed in common area)


NB -  Authors may submit multiple contributions of up to 3 types (e.g. poster + paper + workshop), all contribution types except accepted journal papers are eligible for publication in the upcoming SP2018 edition of the MDPI AG Proceedings journal.




The SP2018 Call for Proposals (CfP) is available for download, and registration details are found within (fees, discounts, payments methods, submission procedures, etc.). SP2018 pre-bookings are available immediately  and should be made by replying directly to this email or contacting the conference chair at: Zia.Lennard@R2Msolution.comKeynote speakers and no-cost pilot site visits in Grenoble (transportation provided) shall be announced shortly.




There will be six open access publications from SP2018 (five journal special issues and Proceedings for extended abstracts of all contribution types). Details in the CfP.



Buildings (MDPI AG) "Heroes of Zero"


Nearly/net zero-energy buildings (interventions...);
Net-zero waste and net-zero water use in buildings;
Passive & autonomous buildings (strategies, tech);
Positive energy (blocks of) buildings & communities;
Self-consumption & off/zero-grid locations & cases;
Workforce upskilling & legislation towards net-zero;

Initiatives towards 100% renewable energy sources;
Cost-benefit analyses & net-zero funding schemes;
Impact of net-zero in building stock & climate, etc.



Daylighting (Solarlits) "Agile Architecture"


Add-ons, recyclable, & reusable building materials;

Prefab assemblies & high-performance composites;
Building-integrated renewable & storage technology;
Indoor environmental quality analyses & solutions;
Living & breathing (double) skins with airtightness;
Moving buildings & kinetic architecture installations;
Smart & energy-efficient lighting cases in buildings;
Lighting assessment (illuminance, photometrics…);
Innovations in refit (insulation, glazing, ventilation..);
Translucency / electrochromism & curtain walls, etc.



Designs (MDPI AG) - "Ethical Strategem


Component & high-performance material design;

Circular economy innovations of energy-efficiency;

Design-performance tradeoff in urban regeneration;

Ecodistricts & societies in energy transition design;
Facilities management & infrastructure planning;

Geothermal energy & thermodynamics in design;
Holistic & deep energy retrofitting strategy design;
Process improvements & value interaction design;
Technological products/services & market design;

Optimization for local sharing & eMobility design;

Biophillic design (city, land, buildings, systems); etc.



Energy, Sustainability, and Society (Springer) - "Prosumer Paradigm"


Buildings, facilities, and home energy management;

Construction project & urban habitat management;

Big data privacy & grid (cyber)security management;

Decarbonization initiatives & nature-based solutions;

Demand side response tools & ICT in peak shaving;

Distributed renewables generation & load balancing

Electricity grid reliability & congestion management

Flexibility commoditization & energy governance

Stakeholder requirements & user acceptance study

Battery storage of renewable energies management

Social housing amelioration & energy communities



Information Technologies and Control (De Gruyter) "Conclusion Fusion"


Automation & digitalization for internet of everything

Blockchain (for buildings, construction, energy, etc.)

Energy simulation & 3D visualization of data models

Monitoring of performance metrics & methodologies 

Self-healing, fault-detection, & context awareness
Semantic ontology engineering & interoperability
Sensors & actuators towards embedded intelligence


Digital & paper proceedings


All abstracts that have been accepted into the SP2018 congress can be extended to 4 pages and published individually within the digital proceedings (MDPI AG) therefore receiving a DOI. Printed copies of all the compiled SP2018 contributions will be available (Proceedings.com) to order after all the publications are completed.








Supporters of SP2018


SP2018 "supporters" include organizers (INES, USMB, CEA Tech, and R2M Solution), media partners (Solar Power Portal, ECTP, and Build Up), and technical sponsors (CSTB and EASME).





INES, the French National Solar Energy Institute


INES is a local co-host and co-organizer of SP2018. INES is France's center of reference in the field of solar energy. Based at Savoie Technolac on the shores of Lake Bourget, the institute was set up with the backing of Savoie Departmental Council and Rhône-Alpes Regional Council, and includes research and development teams from CEA, CNRS, USMB, and CSTB.


USMB, The University of Savoie Mont Blanc


USMB is a local co-host and co-organizer of SP2018. With 14,000 students, a rich offer of multidisciplinary training and 19 internationally recognized research laboratories, USMB has forged close and constructive links with local, regional, European, and global socio-economic actors, which makes it an essential element of Rhône-Alpes dynamics.




French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA Tech)


CEA List and CEA Liten, two of the institutes that comprise CEA Tech are SP brand owners and co-organizers of SP2018. By improving the competitiveness of companies through product performance and differentiation, CEA Tech acts as a catalyst and accelerator of innovation serving the French industry. 


R2M Solution (Research to Market)


R2M Solution is a co-organizer of SP2018. R2M fills the gap between research activities and market implementation across the fields of Innovation Management, Engineering, Energy, and ICT/Automation. Four branches across EU markets and a highly qualified and multidisciplinary staff to accelerate the innovation trajectory of your ideas and business operating in the areas of science that impact us most.





Solar Power Portal


The Solar Power Portal is the leading renewable energy resource for all UK solar power and feed-in tariff information. Solar power is one of the few renewable energy generating technologies that can help the UK reach its EU binding targets in urban centres.


EU Sustainable Energy Day


SP2018 will again be an official "Energy Day" which aims to encourage citizens and stakeholders to discover and debate the major issues driving the transition to sustainable energy. Energy Days show citizens and business why sustainable energy is important – and help them discover the issues in the transition to secure, clean, efficient energy. 




European Construction , built environment and energy efficient building Technology Platform (ECTP)


Founded in 2004 ECTP brings together the collective vision for a leading edge European Built Environment on behalf of our Members. ECTP gathers 160 Member organisations from across the construction sector and other sectors from the whole supply chain of the Built Environment.


Build Up


Build Up is part of Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) and the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), they offer a variety of services to promote better and smarter buildings across Europe, and currently has nearly 11,000 members worldwide. The BUILD UP portal hosts an array of exciting news, publications and events, offering a wide range of expertise and best practices on regulatory, financing and technical issues.


Technical Patrons



Center for Science & Technology in Buildings (CSTB)


CSTB has for mission to guarantee the quality and the safety of the buildings, and to accompany the innovation of the idea to the market. CSTB brings together multidisciplinary skills to develop and share critical scientific and technical knowledge and to provide stakeholders with the answers they expect in their professional practice. CSTB carries out 5 key activities for this purpose: research and expertise, evaluation, testing, certification and dissemination of knowledge. His area of ​​expertise covers construction products, buildings and their integration in the neighborhood and the city.




Executive Agency for Small & Medium Sized Enterprises (EASME)


EASME aims to help create a more competitive and resource-efficient European economy based on knowledge and innovation. EASME provides high quality support to beneficiaries, turning EU policy into action. As an executive agency of the European Commission, we manage significant parts of COSME, LIFE, Horizon 2020 and EMFF. EASME ensures that actions funded by these programmes deliver results and provide the Commission with valuable input for its policy tasks'. The EASME is committed to the public service principles for EU civil servants.



Zia Lennard, MBA

Sustainable Places Delegate Manager








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