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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Type 541f from TESS

Conseguiu resolver o problema, prof.? Tua versão é 17?

Em 15 de dez de 2017 11:54 AM, "Jorge Facao via TRNSYS-users" <trnsys-users@lists.onebuilding.org> escreveu:
Hello David,
Many thanks for the reply.
The TRNSYS version is <17.02.0005> and TESS libraries are
Best regards,

Jorge Facão

On 12-Dec-17 19:45, David BRADLEY wrote:

 Which version of TRNSYS and which version of the TESS Libraries are
you using? The TRNSYS version can be determined by opening trnsys.ini
with a text editor. The TESS Libraries version can be determined by
looking at the filenames of the dlls that are located in the
..\trnsysXX\UserLib\ReleaseDLLs\ directory.

kind regards,


On 12/11/2017 13:08, Jorge Facao via TRNSYS-users wrote:
I am trying to use the Type 541f for a ICS solar system.
With a very simple deck I get the error below. The type parameters is
limited to 17 in parameters tab.

*** Fatal Error at time   :         0.000000
    Generated by Unit     :     2
    Generated by Type     :   541
    TRNSYS Message    133 : The current Unit has specified more
Parameters than are expected.
    Reported information  : 19 PARAMETERS are required and 17
PARAMETERS were specified.

Any suggestion to solve this problem?

Jorge Facão

Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (LNEG)
Laboratório de Energia Solar
Estrada do Paço do Lumiar, 22
1649-038 Lisboa - Portugal
T: +351-210924600/1; Ext: 4379
skype: jfacao

UNIT 2 TYPE 541     Type541f
*$UNIT_NAME Type541f
*$MODEL .\Solar Library (TESS)\Integral Collector Storage Systems\Flat
Plate ICS Collectors\Without HX\Theoretical IAM's\Type541f.tmf
*$POSITION 629 331
*$LAYER Main #
*$# Versions of this ICS model are available for different HX
configurations (vertical tube bank, horizontal tube
*$# bank, and coiled tube HX) and for different incidence angle modifier
accounting (single axis data file,
*$# bi-axial data file, cover and absorber properties, etc.) for a small
upgrade fee.  Contact TESS at (608) 274-
*$# 2577 for more information.
5        ! 1 # of Tank Nodes
1        ! 2 Noding scheme
0        ! 3 Heat Exchanger Geometry
1.19        ! 4 Tank Length
1.15        ! 5 Tank Width
0.062        ! 6 Tank Depth
1        ! 7 Tank Fluid
0        ! 8 Percent Volume of Tank Fluid
16        ! 9 Initial Tank Temperature
5.0        ! 10 Edge Loss Coefficient
5.0        ! 11 Bottom Loss Coefficient
0        ! 12 Additional Thermal Conductivity Mode
5        ! 13 IAM Mode
0.9        ! 14 Plate absorptance
2        ! 15 Number of covers
1.586        ! 16 Cover refractive index
0.05        ! 17 Extinction-thickness product
0,0        ! [unconnected] Inlet Temperature
0,0        ! [unconnected] Inlet Flow Rate
0,0        ! [unconnected] Top Loss Temperature
0,0        ! [unconnected] Incident solar radiation
0,0        ! [unconnected] Horizontal diffuse radiation
0,0        ! [unconnected] Total horizontal radiation
0,0        ! [unconnected] Incident diffuse radiation
0,0        ! [unconnected] Incidence angle
0,0        ! [unconnected] Solar zenith angle
0,0        ! [unconnected] Solar azimuth angle
0,0        ! [unconnected] Top Surface Slope
0,0        ! [unconnected] Surface azimuth
0,0        ! [unconnected] Ground reflectance
0,0        ! [unconnected] Edge&Back Loss Temperature
0,0        ! [unconnected] Safety Loss Temperature
0,0        ! [unconnected] Inversion Mixing Flow Rate
0,0        ! [unconnected] Collector transmittance absorptance product
0,0        ! [unconnected] Top loss coefficient
0,0        ! [unconnected] Additional top losses
0,0        ! [unconnected] Safety loss coefficient-1
0,0        ! [unconnected] Safety loss coefficient-2
0,0        ! [unconnected] Safety loss coefficient-3
0,0        ! [unconnected] Safety loss coefficient-4
0,0        ! [unconnected] Safety loss coefficient-5
0,0        ! [unconnected] Additional internodal conductivity-1
0,0        ! [unconnected] Additional internodal conductivity-2
0,0        ! [unconnected] Additional internodal conductivity-3
0,0        ! [unconnected] Additional internodal conductivity-4
20.0 0.0 20.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 45 0 0.2 10.0 10.0 0.0 0.7 15.0 0.0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
16        ! 1 Initial Temperature of Node-1
16        ! 2 Initial Temperature of Node-2
16        ! 3 Initial Temperature of Node-3
16        ! 4 Initial Temperature of Node-4
16        ! 5 Initial Temperature of Node-5



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Thank you.
TRNSYS-users mailing list

Jorge Facão

Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia (LNEG)
Laboratório de Energia Solar
Estrada do Paço do Lumiar, 22
1649-038 Lisboa - Portugal
T: +351-210924600/1; Ext: 4379
skype: jfacao


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