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[TRNSYS-users] Type 94a

Hello, I am currently using Type94a in TRNSYS 17. When parameterizing with the help of the data sheet of a standard PV module, some questions or comments arose. When calculating il (photocurrent), the irradiation is reduced by a value that depends on the tau-alpha product, see code excerpt: ! Calculate incidence angle modifier for direct radiation        tadir = tamax * (1-1,098d-4 * (theta) + 6,26d-6 * (theta ** 2) + 6,583d-7 * (theta ** 3) -1,472d-8 * (theta ** 4 ))                If (tadir <0) tadir = 0        sundiff = sundiff * tadiff        sungnd = sungnd * tagnd        sundir = sundir * tadir        tau_al = (sundiff + sungnd + sundir) / sun        sun = sundiff + sungnd + sundir The variable "sun" is, as already described, used to calculate il:       il = (sun / sunr) * (ilr + misc * nprl * (tc-tcr)). Now the question arises whether this il calculation is correct, because in my opinion the ratio of sun / sunr when entering the STC conditions is reduced by the above reduction of sundir by tadir (under STC conditions tadir = tau alpha product). In principle, the code says: tadir * current irradiation (input model) / sunr, so with input radiation = sunr -> exactly the value of Taualpha. >From my point of view, sunr should also be reduced by TauAlpha, since the values ​​are then never related to the incident radiation but to the values ​​reduced by optical losses, ie:   il = (sun / (sunr * tau_al)) * (ilr + misc * nprl * (tc-tcr)) I do not know now if that is a model error or somewhere is a mistake in thinking? Many Thanks Best regards Maximilian Bernat