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Re: [TRNSYS-users] [TRNSYS users] Type 997 modification (Horizontal Field Ground Heat Exchanger)


As the author of Type997, I can tell you that the model most certainly does NOT use 1/4 symmetry.  There's no way to apply the symmetry as the fluid changes temperature along the entire length axis and across the entire width and depth of the piping array.  That's why Type997 takes both the left and right, and both the front and back, parameters (insulation extension, far-field boundary etc.).  If it was 1/4 symmetry it would need only one of front/back or left/right.  Why don't you send a sketch showing what you'd like to model and we can see if 997 is the right model.  We have other more generic models that can handle a wider range of geometries.




Jeff Thornton President - TESS LLC 22 N. Carroll Street, Madison WI USA 53703 Office: (608) 274-2577 Fax: (608) 278-1475 www.tess-inc.com E-Mail: thornton@tess-inc.com

On 11/10/2017 4:15 am, Jakub Winiarski via TRNSYS-users wrote:

Dear Users,

Have anybody tried to modify the Type 997 component: Horizontal Field Ground Heat Exchanger, so that the insulation on Near Field surface can be set on just one side of HX domain? By deafult in order to reduce calculation cost the model is symmetrical in both x and y axis so that only quarter of domain is calculated. That is why the user can provide insulation on all four bounding surfaces or none. If there is a way to 'turn off' the symmetry in FORTRAN code and apply the boundary conditions on particular bounding surfaces it will be all I need.
Perhaps someone already have done such modification?

Best regards,
Jakub Winiarski
R&D Specialist / Energy Simulations

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