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[TRNSYS-users] Multi-node building modelling with cyclic airflow

Hello All,

I am wondering if if it possible to model a space with where return air is sent from one node to an air-conditioning system and is then supplied to a different node. This space has a stack of several air nodes. The supply would be at the top, and the return at the bottom.

As far as I can tell, type 56 supplies and returns ventilation air to the same node. Is there a way to get around this?

My current thought it to use airnode coupling between each node going down the stack and then adding a bogus node which is set to a temperature and humidity equivalent to the air-conditioners output conditions. This bogus node would then be coupled to the top node. The air-conditioner would use the air temperature and relative humidity of the bottom node as its input air conditions to determine the output conditions.

Thanks for your help,

Chris, MASc

Research Assistant

Queen's University