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[TRNSYS-users] Type 56 - Moisture Capacitance Model (Buffer Storage Humidity Model) parameters

Hi everyone,

I’m working on a multi-zone building (type 56) model with TRNSYS18 and I want to use the Moisture Capacitance Model (Buffer Storage Humidity Model). To do this, I have to define 6 parameters: Ksurf, Kdeep, Msurf, Mdeep, Bsurf and Bdeep for every thermal zone.

There are many questions about this on the mailinglist but not many answers. I listed some questions about the Buffer Storage Example (TRNSYS documentation) below :
1- When calculating Mdeep, why the thickness of every material i is not double in the calculation of Mi as it is for the calculation of Msurf ?

2- When calculating Mdeep, they do consider the concrete from ceiling and ground floor, but there's some information missing in the example to explain Mconcrete = 175kg.  For this calculation should I use the thinkness and area of concrete from floor and ceiling?

3- When calculating Bdeep, the value of A is 50m^2, wich is the wall/gypsum area. Floor and ceiling area are neglected?

4- Someone know a good link or reference about this calculation?

Thank you very much,

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Marie-Hélène Talbot Étudiante à la maîtrise
Énergies renouvelables et efficacité énergétique
Département de génie de la construction
École de technologie supérieure