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[TRNSYS-users] Component 78b TRNSys V18 State Space


I am trying to use the new component available in TRNSys 18, the state space equation 78b (Utility>Differentiation>Variable Matrix).

x_dot = Ax + Bu

I am simulating a building which is impacted by solar radiation, dry bulb temperature and flux of a fluid heater (solar radiation and out temperature are my perturbations or dynamic factors, the flux from the heater is my main input, U). The output of the component is temperature inside the building (x).

I would like to compare the real temperature calculated by TRNSys to the output of the component, but I don't manage to well introduce the additional matrix inside the external files of matrix A and B. The simulation runs but the coefficients applied to the dynamic factors are not taken into account.

As x and U contain only one dimension, A, B and the additional matrix linked to the dynamic factors have also one dimension (I have tested many dimensions before and the results are the same).  

Would you mind helping me to solve this problem ? I join my file to this email, thank you in advance =)


Attachment: matrix_A.dat
Description: Binary data

Attachment: matrix_B.dat
Description: Binary data