Hi everyone,
I'm creating a new Type for TRNSYS 18 in TypeStudio, basically a concentrating solar collector based in Linear Fresnel Collectors. I finished the code with my mathematical model for the Type and it compiles, but when I use the new Type in TRNSYS I get the following "error":
TRNSYS Message 463: The SetNumberStoredVariables subroutine was not called to set the number of storage locations required before the SetStaticArrayValues routine was called. Please check formulation of the specified TYPE.
I use as reference for my code the one of the Type1288 provided in TESS library, but as this code was done for TRNSYS 16 I don't have a clear reference for the TRNSYS's functions for the storage of variables. I tried using the Dynamic and Static statements to store a value but I still don't understand how to solve this error.
In my code I use the statements for the storage of variables in this way:
--------- After convergence manipulations
If(getIsEndOfTimestep()) Then
Do i=1,Number_in_Series
Do j=1,Number_of_Nodes_per_Collector
Call setStaticArrayValue(((i-1)*Number_of_Nodes_per_Collector+j),getStaticArrayValue(Number_in_Series*Number_of_Nodes_per_Collector+(i-1)*Number_of_Nodes_per_Collector+j))
--------- Very First Call of the Simulation Manipulations
If(getIsFirstCallofSimulation()) Then
Call SetNumberStoredVariables(N_Items,N_Items)
! Number_in_Series and Number_of_Nodes_per_Collector are parameters of the model
----------- First Timestep Manipulations
If (getIsStartTime()) Then
Do i=1,Number_in_Series
Do j=1,Number_of_Nodes_per_Collector
Call setStaticArrayValue((i-1)*Number_of_Nodes_per_Collector+j,Initial_Collector_Temperature)
Call setStaticArrayValue(Number_in_Series*Number_of_Nodes_per_Collector+(i-1)*Number_of_Nodes_per_Collector+j,Initial_Collector_Temperature)
In advance, thank you so much for your help.
Best Regards,
Carlos Felbol A.
Carlos José Felbol Acuña Ingeniero de Proyectos Grupo de Energía Solar Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica y Metalúrgica Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul Santiago Chile |