Dear Karol, make sure to use the
“open TRNSYS 3D input file”
button to open an .idf file, not the regular “open”
button, which would open a regular sketchup file. Best __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jakob Merk M.Sc. Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH Curiestraße 2 70563 Stuttgart Telefon: +49 711 67976-0 Transsolar: KlimaEngineering- Technologien für energieeffizientes Bauen und Nutzerkomfort
in Gebäuden Stuttgart – München – New York – Paris
Geschäftsführer :Diplom-Ingenieur Matthias Schuler, Diplom-Ingenieur Thomas Auer, Diplom-Physiker Stefan Holst, Diplom-Betriebswirt Dieter
Schnelle Eingetragen beim Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 23347,
Steuernummer: 99073/00911,USt-IdNr.: DE 152272639 Von: TRNSYS-users []
Im Auftrag von Karol Bandurski via TRNSYS-users Dear Users I have exported *.idf file from TRNBuild/. I would like to modify it in SketchUp. But I cannot open it by Trnsys3d plug-in in SketchUp. Firstly I click “Open“, then I choose the .idf file and “Open”, but nothing happened… Could you write me what could be wrong? Regards, -------------------------------------------------------------------- Karol BANDURSKI M. Sc. Faculty of Civil and Environemntal Engeneering Division of Heating, Air Conditioning and Air Protection Poznan University of Technology |