Dear Amirreza, I had a look at your project. I think it needs some cleaning before asking other users for help. Please be aware that we are not able to do support for TRNSYS 16 projects… Best __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jakob Merk M.Sc. Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH Curiestraße 2 70563 Stuttgart Telefon: +49 711 67976-0 Transsolar: KlimaEngineering- Technologien für energieeffizientes Bauen und Nutzerkomfort in Gebäuden Stuttgart – München – New York – Paris
Geschäftsführer :Diplom-Ingenieur Matthias Schuler, Diplom-Ingenieur Thomas Auer, Diplom-Physiker Stefan Holst, Diplom-Betriebswirt Dieter Schnelle Eingetragen beim Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 23347,
Steuernummer: 99073/00911,USt-IdNr.: DE 152272639 Von: TRNSYS-users []
Im Auftrag von Amirreza Heidary via TRNSYS-users
Running attached simulation file, I'm getting this error: "the regeneration temperature did not converge". I have spent much time to solve, But I couldn't. Could anyone help me please? the inputs and parameters are typical and can be changed in a reasonable range, if it helps. The BUI file is attached to be used in the building component. Thank you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- amirrezaheidary master student of energy systems Engineering Sharif university of technology Tehran-Iran E-mail address: P Save a tree... Please don't print this E-mail unless you really
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