Hi all, I’m modelling a system using a network of heat exchangers for heat recovery purposes (see attached picture). Heat exchanger calculations seems to be repeated many times for a given time-step and their temperatures re-calculated within the same time-step while other components on that model are not updated until the next time step (as it should be). Problem observed at the exchanger is leading to wrong temperature calculations. From our understanding types should be only be called once every time-step, furthermore heat exchangers network should be re-calculated taking the temperature from connecting models. Is there any option or any idea to bring light on this problem? Kinds regards --------------------------------------------------- Dr. Miguel Ángel Reyes Belmonte IMDEA ENERGY Institute Avda. Ramón de la Sagra, 3 Parque Tecnológico de Móstoles E-28935 Móstoles, Madrid, Spain Telf.: +34 91 737 1150 e-mail: miguelangel.reyes@imdea.org web: http://www.energy.imdea.org https://es.linkedin.com/pub/miguel-angel-reyes/7b/347/b77 orcid.org/0000-0002-9666-2388 |
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