Dear Francesca, please export your .b17 file to a .idf file and edit it in Sketchup to delete your thermal airnode. Then save and import the file back in TRNBuild. Best __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Jakob Merk M.Sc. Transsolar Energietechnik GmbH Curiestraße 2 70563 Stuttgart
Transsolar: KlimaEngineering- Technologien für energieeffizientes Bauen und Nutzerkomfort in
Gebäuden Stuttgart – München – New York – Paris
Geschäftsführer :Diplom-Ingenieur Matthias Schuler, Diplom-Ingenieur Thomas Auer, Diplom-Physiker Stefan Holst, Diplom-Betriebswirt Dieter Schnelle Eingetragen beim Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 23347,
Steuernummer: 99073/00911,USt-IdNr.: DE 152272639 Von: TRNSYS-users []
Im Auftrag von francesca lorusso via TRNSYS-users Dear all, i need to remove an airnode from a thermal zone, but in the air node menu the button in grey. I modify my geometry in trnsys3d and I put two zone together, (that now are ine thermal zone with two airnode), the one that i remove now has
a different name and even if i change the name in trnsys3d, in trnbuild its name is the older one for thermal zone and the new one for air node. it seems that trnbuild didn't remove the older zone and the changes are applyied only to the airnode, but it isn't
what i want! can anyone help me? Best regards -- FRANCESCA LORUSSO |