Hello TRNSYS users,
It's my first time doing my own type and compiling a program (although I have matlab programming experience). I've wrote my type program following the Programmers Guide instructions to do it, familiarizing myself with different TRNSYS functions.
After that, I followed the instructions to compile the program on Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and Intel Visual Fortran 17. I did the same as the Programmers Guide, except for a few settings in the TRNDLL where the option instructed by the guide was not shown as a possibility in Microsoft Visual Studio. These are the Run-time libraries, where, for example, the guide said that I should configure "Single-threaded DLL". I didn't have that option so I configured "Multi-threaded DLL".
The Programmer's Guide instructs to rebuild de TRNDLL, and so I did succesfully. But after that, I followed the steps to add and compile my Type. Then, I get the following errors.
- "Syntax error, found INDENTIFIER 'IGAM' when expecting one of: => = . [ % ( : "
- "This name does not have a type, and it must have an explicit one. TIMESTEP" (for example)
I've noticed that every "This name..." error is associated with a local variable of my program that is called by a TRNSYS function. These are:
-Timestep (from getSimulationTimestep())
-Time (from getSimualtiontime() )
-All the parameters (from getParameterValue(#))
-All the inputs (from getInputValue(#))
I would appreciate any help or info to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance. Kind regards,
Javier Vega Benavente
Mechanical Engineering Magister Student, Universidad de Concepcion