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[TRNSYS-users] GenOpt error

Using Genopt for optimization of 3 discrete parameters, I'm getting attached error. what is it and how it could be solved?
Thank you


master student of energy systems Engineering
Sharif university of technology
E-mail address:



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Sent with Mailtrack
GenOpt(R) Optimization Version 2.0.0, January 5, 2004

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Michael Wetter, MWetter@lbl.gov

Copyright (c) 1998-2003
The Regents of the University of California
(through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory),
subject to receipt of any required approvals from
U.S. Department of Energy.

The development of GenOpt is supported by
the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE),
the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences (SATW),
the Swiss National Energy Fund (NEFF), and
the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

Configuration file : C:\Users\amirreza\Desktop\go_prg\Configuration\TRNSYS16.ini
Command file       : C:\Trnsys16\optimization\GenOpt\configuration\Command.txt

Optimization started  at : Wed Feb 08 21:56:37 IRST 2017
Optimization finished at : Wed Feb 08 21:56:37 IRST 2017
Execution time           :            00:00:00

Optimization terminated with error.

Error message:

Exception in executing the simulation program

Current command String: 'C:\Trnsys16\Exe\TRNEXE.EXE "C:\Trnsys16\optimization\GENOPT\SIMULATION\GenoptInputFile.DCK" /n /WAIT '.
Exception message: 

Error in executing the simulation program
Exit value of the simulation program: 1
Current command String              : 'C:\Trnsys16\Exe\TRNEXE.EXE "C:\Trnsys16\optimization\GENOPT\SIMULATION\GenoptInputFile.DCK" /n /WAIT '.
Error stream of simulation program  : Simulation program did not return an error stream.

GenOpt terminated with error.