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[TRNSYS-users] Type 533 and Type 534 data file format request.

Dear All Trnsys users,

I want to use the Type 533 or 534 model of the TESS library. I've read in the mathematical description that there are several parameters to fix like, for example, the type of HX immersed into water. Nevertheless, those parameters can't be defined in the Simulation Studio apparently.

Even if I haven't read it in an explicit way , I assume those parameters are set in the data file that the model calls. But I haven't been able to find a data file format example. Of course, there is the one that comes with the library, but it doesn't explain what each number means, nor the different position of them.

If someone can send me a detailed and explained example of a data file format I would be very grateful.

Hopping for you the best, greets from,

Javier Vega Benavente
Mechanical Engineering Student, Universidad de Concepción, Chile

Attachment: Example_533.dat
Description: Binary data