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Re: [TRNSYS-users] TYPE 927 Water to Water HP


  In the Type927 parameter list in your example project, the parameter that sets the number of source temperatures in the heating performance data file is set to 5 but in fact there are 6 values of source temperature in the data file. If you change the value of parameter 9 from 5 to 6 then the Type will return the expected power consumption and COP.

kind regards,


On 11/02/2016 14:57, bridjesh gautam via TRNSYS-users wrote:
Dear TRNSYS Users,

I am trying to use either TYPE 927 or 1221 in combination with unglazed solar collectors and have some questions. If you have any experience with W-W HP components, I would love to hear from you. 

1. Calculation of COP and Power 

For some reason, when I input load temperature ,source temperature and flow rate exactly as listed in heating performance file, the COP and power consumption calculated by the component is different than the values entered in the data file. 

A line of  example heating data file reads: (pre-installed example) (Heating capacity =30000, Heating power=6000) 

0.9007 0.6731 !Normalized Capacity and Normalized Power at 1, 1, 15.556[C], -1.1111[C]

But when I put input load temperature 15.556  , source -1.11, input and output mass flow = 1440 ( 0.4 l/s ,rated) , the model calculates Power and COP  as 5961 kJ/hr and 4.59, when clearly the input file shows power to be (0.67*6000), which is not at all equal to what model calculates. COP values are different too. For all these I just used Type 927 with no change and the file is attached. 

So my question is, am I understanding everything wrong or are there some bugs in the code itself ? 

I hope, someone will be kind enough to answer me. 

Khem Gautam 
Masters student 
Aarhus University, Denmark. 

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