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[TRNSYS-users] Type 696 + thermostat choice

Hello everyone,

I need your help because I am taking my first steps on TRNSYS and I have a fairly complex situation to model. (Well, for a beginner like me!)

I have to model a room with the following equipment:
- an "air handling unit" (which collects air from the room and returns with two fans with a flow of 4000m3/h each)
- an duct for air inlet (flow +/- 500m3)
- an "suction arm" for air outlet (flow +/- 500m3 as well).

The peculiarity of this room is that we must be able to impose extreme temperatures (between -50°C and +50°C) and maintain them for a few minutes. To impose this "schedule", I have used a Type 14.

To model the AHU I try to use the Type 696, I just have some toubles trying to set it. Anyway, I have modeled the inputs and outputs of air with ducts.

The problem is that don't manage to impose the variations of temperature in the room via my AHU.

These are the connections I made:
- "Instantaneous value of function" of Type 14 to the "Heating" and "Cooling setpoint" of the type 696
- "Outlet air temp" of Type 696 to an Input of my building "T_AHU"
- "Air flow rate Dry" of Type 696 to an Input of my building "DEBIT_AHU"
- "T_AIR" of the room to "Air Inlet T°" of Type 696

I think my mistake may be the first connection, but I really do not see what else to do for the moment... I have not found a thermostat fitting my needs

Any help would be appreciated! Whether guiding me choosing a thermostat, on setting the Type 696, or about how to connect this component with the rest of a project ... I'm really lost!

Thanks in advance


PS: If this kind of question has been asked before, I sincerely apologize!