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[TRNSYS-users] Error when using parametric table and Type 56

Dear fellow TRNSYS Users
I am having some trouble running a parametric table in TRNEdit. I created a new mulitzone building project using the wizard. I then create the .dck file which I open in TRNEdit. Then I go to parametrics > new table, and select START as the parameter, 1 run and put in a 0 in the table cell and then TRNSYS > run table. I get the following error message:

Surf-No  Description             Comment
-1       no OUTPUT's specified   please add at least one OUTPUT

Then on the next window, a Visual Fortran run-time error shows up:

forrtl: severe (24): end-of-file during read, unit 33, file C:\TRNSYS17\MYPROJECTS\BUILDINGPROJECT\BUILDINGPROJECT1.BLD

Image    PC    Routine   Line     Source

I have also tried to specify the path to the .b17 file as absolute path, i.e. C:\Trnsys17\MyProjects\BuildingProject\BuildingProject.b17

Nothing seems to work. Help is greatly appreciated at this point!

Best Regards