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[TRNSYS-users] Writing to a file at the end of a simulation

Dear all,


I am currently writing a user type which needs to create a xxx.txt file at the end of the simulation containing some information that was created during the simulation. I assume that, when creating the according component, I can use the FILES tab to define the write path (or have the user define it). However, I do not know how to get access to this information in my C++ code. There is some “getlistingfilelogicalunit” function in the Trnsys header, but I have no clue how to use it. Is there any documentation or simple example available?


I appreciate your help!

All the best



Dr.-Ing. Jörn von Grabe, M.Sc.
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter und Postdoktorand

Universität Liechtenstein
Institut für Architektur und Raumentwicklung
Fürst-Franz-Josef-Strasse, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Telefon +423 265 11 11, Direkt +423 265 11 39
joern.vgrabe@uni.li, www.uni.li

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