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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Mistake in type 33i

  The psychrometrics routine has to use some iterative methods in order to solve for all the air properties when it is given certain combinations for which the properties cannot be determined directly. When RH and w are specified it has to iterate to find a drybulb temperature that has the same saturation pressure as the saturation pressure that can be computed directly from knowing RH and w. There are tolerances on the iterative calculations and with your two input values (RH=60% and w=0.006) the iteration continues until the saturation pressure for the guessed dry bulb temperature is within 0.01 kPa of the saturation pressure computed from RH and w. Tightening the tolerance on that iteration (which is one of a few iterations) causes the recomputed RH to come out closer to the starting value but I suspect that simply tightening the iterative tolerance would not always result in the recomputed value being equal to the starting value.  
kind regards,

On 11/05/2015 03:55, Yose Wandy wrote:

Hello TRNSYS experts,


There seems to be a mistake in the type 33i, it modified the Inputs that I gave, resulting on wrong value (e.g. dry bulb temperature, enthalpy, etc.)

I attached a small example that shows the difference between the relative humidity input & output, in this case, it shows a difference by 0.09%.

Does it supposed to do that? Anybody have any idea how to fix it or get around it? Any help would be appreciated.


Thanks in advance.


Best regards,

Yose Wandy




Yose Wandy  B.Sc.

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter


Beschreibung: nur_logo_kleinOstfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften

Hochschule Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel

Fakultät Versorgungstechnik

Institut für energieoptimierte Systeme  (EOS)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lars Kühl


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