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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Messages, warning and notices in TRNSYS ( message 441)

  TRNSYS has three levels of notifications: "notices" are for informational purposes only, "warnings" are a potential issue and should be investigated further to determine whether they are serious or not, and "fatals" are errors that will stop a simulation immediately. If you are getting a non convergence warning for 10 timesteps in an annual simulation then there is nothing to worry about. If you are getting non convergence warnings for 10 timesteps out of a 10 timestep simulation then it is an issue that needs to be addressed.
kind regards,

On 10/08/2015 12:51, Sandeep Singh Chahal wrote:

Hello TRNSYS users,

I have few general questions regarding the warning and messages in TRNSYS. My model giving results but at the same time its giving; warning and messages. I have mainly three questions

a.        Is it necessary to fix all of the warning and messages?

b.      Can we assume that our results are realistic even we have warning? (if there is no error)


For instance, In my model there are few notices and warnings such as

1.   notice---: “time:0.000              unit:0    type:0   TRNSYS Message     90 : TRNDll.dll is compiled in release mode. External DLLs will be loaded from the .\UserLib\ReleaseDLLs\ directory.  Reported information  : Not available”

2. Warning---: “ time6510.500     unit:0    type:0   TRNSYS Message    441 : The inputs to the listed units have not converged at this timestep. The values at the last iteration will be used and the simulation will proceed.  Reported information  : UNITS: 56”[ this warning repeated for 10 times]

There is no any error while running for a year.

c.       Any suggestions to tackle message 441?

Thanks in advance!

Sandeep Chahal


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