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Re: [TRNSYS-users] How to simulate HVAC and radiant thermal heat gain and power consumption in Type56

Hello, Safwan.

It depends on whether you have individual radiator for each zone or not. If so, then you have to use individual radiative and convective load inputs for each zone. If you only have the radiator installed in one zone, then you only need have radiative and convective load inputs for that particular zone. The inter-zone heat transfer will be calculated by Type56 itself.

Best Regards
LEE, Chun Kwong

On 2015-09-22 09:11, s_wanone wrote:
Dear Lee

Noted that. Ive simulated it using radiative and convective load to
the zone by introducing heat tx to the gain of each zones.

If let say ive got 5 zones, should i sum up the heat tx by radiative
for each zones to get the heat gain by the heating of radiator for the
type56 for a particular time?


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-------- Original message --------
From: C K Lee <a8304506@graduate.hku.hk>
To: "TRNSYS users mailing list at OneBuilding.org"
Cc: safone samsuddin <s_wanone@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [TRNSYS-users] How to simulate HVAC and radiant thermal
heat gain and power consumption in Type56

Hello, Safone.

You can define a gain type in Type56 which read the radiative and
convective load delivered by the radiator through defined inputs of
Type56. Your heat pump model should read the zone information from
Type56 and output the respective radiative and convective loads
developed for connection to the input of Type56. Of course, as David
has mentioned, you need to add control equipment to control the
operation of your heat pump.

Best Regards
LEE, Chun Kwong
Research Fellow
City University of Hong Kong

On 2015-09-22 00:44, David BRADLEY wrote:
Most of the HVAC equipment models include an output that will tell
you how much energy they transferred to their air (or water) stream
and also how much power they consumed. It sounds as though your
makes some use of the TRNBuild automatic heating and cooling types
calculate space load and some use of HVAC equipment to compute
consumption. I would not recommend such a method. I would recommend
that you disable the automatic heating and cooling in TRNBuild to
allow the zone temperatures to float. You then implement thermostat
models in the Studio to watch the zone temperature and command the
HVAC equipment to turn ON and OFF appropriately so as to maintain
desired temperature in the zones of the building.

On 09/21/2015 07:16, safone samsuddin wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Does anybody know how to calculate HVAC power consumption such as
Heat Pump and using Radiator as heating emitter in Type 56
Do I need to set the heating ON in TRNSBUILD for each zones with
setpoint temperature?
I've simulate 2 scenarios with Heating ON and off using radiant
transfer into zones. When the Heating ON, the TAIR trending of the
zones will try to follow the setpoint.

However, when HEATING is OFF, the temperature TAIR and Toperative
will follow according Thermostat setpoint, however, it always
overheating when sun radiation gave extra heating into the Type 56

Anyone can suggest me, what would be the best solution to calculate
energy consumption and heat gain of the zone?



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