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[TRNSYS-users] Question about Type 563 hybrid solar panel

Dear people,


The last week i played around with the Type 563 hybrid solar panel, but i was wondering in the description in the documentation they do a lot more calculations than which are coming out of the model. For example reasons for me to use trnsyst is to see what happens in the hybrid solar panel and I mean the thermal side. The formulas are really clear but if I see what output I can get out of the model I miss some. For example the temperature of the pc cell so how warm will the pv cell becomes this is interesting to know because in that way you can see how much you cool the panel down with the flow of water on the backside.


Some results which coming out of the model don’t make sense for  me for example how is it possible that the outlet temperature is lower than the inlet temperature and also lower than the ambient temperature. Looks like the solar panel is cooling the water down and I think this is a bit strange.


I hope to hear from you soon.


Best regards,


Benjamin Stobbe