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[TRNSYS-users] PV inverter (Type 48a) to link with hot water tank (Type 534)

Hi TRNsys community,

For my project, I need to simulate a case : DHW production using PV panel electricity output as an input for the auxiliary heating within the tank. I added also an electric aux. heater on the top of the tank to reach the set point temperature (45°C). The TRNsys file is attached to this email.

I am requesting for your help, because the simulation doesn't seem working. I think the problem comes from the inverter. Maybe I haven't linked it correctly to the tank or to the PV panel. Could you help me please ?

Thanks in advance.

Yours Sincerely,

Attachment: PV + tank bis (all types from TESS).dck
Description: Binary data

Attachment: PV + tank bis (all types from TESS).tpf
Description: Binary data