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Re: [TRNSYS-users] Air layer in Trnbuild

 The reason that the "airlayer" material in the TRNBuild libraries is massless and has no thickness is that narrow air gaps (i.e. airgaps with little or no convection in them) can be assumed to provide thermal resistance in the wall. When you have a wide air gap then the convection within that airgap becomes important and you cannot correctly account for it as though it were part of the wall. What I would recommend you do is to treat that 70cm air gap as though it were one or more airnodes separated from the ambient and the conditioned space by "walls" that consist only of your polyester foil (treated as massless layers offering only a thermal resistance). You can set the convection coefficients on the inside of those two layers as computed internally by Type56. This is probably still not an ideal treatment of the situation either but in my opinion it is more correct than lumping the air gap into the wall.
kind regards,

On 4/29/2015 1:58 PM, Marko Mancic wrote:
Hi Trnsys users,

I am trying to create a model of a lightweight contruction sport hall, which consists of two leyers of special Polyester foils, and a 70cm air layer between. In reality, the construction is streched and held in place by a wood sceleton.

I have noticed, that whichever air layer is chosen from the library, it is modelled as massless, and the tickness is 0.

How can I change the tickness of the Air layer?

In addition, I get the following error messages when I try to save the project "error when trying to create wall transfer coefficients"
" unable to find root, after indication that root exists"
"Maybe time base is to small"

What could be the couse of the error I am getting?

Thank you for helping!

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