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[TRNSYS-users] Windows shading schedule

Hi ,
Am trying to find a typical type for employing shading schedules (For winter and summer) for 1 year simulation, but the schedule cannot be set according to many configurations of opening/shading, it allows only for one configuration for the whole year round, is there any hint regarding this issue.
 For instance i want this schedule : from 8 a.m to 5 p.m shadings to be opened ( months : december to february) to be closed for the rest of the simulation.

Thank you, 
Kindest Regards

Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech -  جامعة القاضي عياض مراكش

Hicham Mastouri
Doctorant Sciences Physique et Ingénierie - FSSM Morocco
Ingénieur d'état en électronique - AUST United Arab Emirates
+ 212 6 62 76 74 49

شعبة الفزياء
كلية العلوم السملالية
مراكش 40001  المغرب
Physics Department
Faculty of Sciences Semlalia
PO Box: 2390 Marrakech 40 001