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Re: [TRNSYS-users] TRNSYS christmas riddle

  TRNSYS should be giving you an error saying that the syntax of the equation is incorrect in all of those cases. The correct syntax of the MAX function is:

result = MAX(x,y)

  Thanks for catching that the syntax checking is not sufficient. I will ask the elves to put it on the bug list.
 Santa Claus

On 12/23/2014 08:55, marcello.caciolo@cofelyaxima-gdfsuez.com wrote:

Dear TRNSYS users,


Christmas approaches, and we found an amazing issue concerning TRNSYS equations that we would like to share with you.


A day, we created a new equation in TRNSYS, taping (by error) the following _expression_ :


new = max(12),7


you could think that TRNSYS reports an error…but you are wrong : the result was 12 (try to plot it !)


We was just thinking that TRNSYS is so smart that it corrects our error, when we had a doubt. We tried to change the _expression_ in :


new = (max(12),7)


and in this case, TRNSYS crashed giving us a horrible statement : “forrtl : severe (408): fort: (3) : Subscript #1 of the array STACK has value 0 which is less than the lower bound of 1”…


But variety is the spice of live, than we tried another _expression_ again :


new = 0*(max(12),7)


You can imagine how we were surprised when TRNSYS plotted a constant value of…84 !!!


Definitely, we decided to write a letter to Santa Claus to help us to solve this riddle…


Merry Christmas to the TRNSYS group!

Marcello Caciolo
Responsable Outils et Méthodes d'Analyse Energétique


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